Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What 'mainstream' 'British' 'media' or political movement will expose and stop Big Business Crossrail hole plot, City of London propaganda by Murdoch?

By©Muhammad Haque
0500 Hrs GMT 0600 Hrs UKtime London Wednesday 25 June 2008

KHOODEELAAR! No to CRASS plugs for irrationally plugged Crossrail hole plot; the first response to the latest plug as carried via the London Times newspaper.....THIS BRIEF REPLY from KHOODEELAAR! has been sent in the past 20 minutes to Timesonline for publication as the preliminary response to the latest crass plug for Crossrail in a piece that is totally irrational. ”The Times reported on 24 June 2008 that there wasn't enough railway provision to link various parts of the UK. It did not show any demand for Crossrail. Yet you repeat the mantra for Crossrail. Where is the justification for that? Even Rod Eddington REFUSED to back Crossrail. Why? No demand.” [To be continued]

What 'mainstream' 'British' 'media' or political movement will expose and stop Big Business Crossrail hole plot, City of London propaganda by Murdoch?

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What 'mainstream' 'British' 'media' or political movement will expose and stop Big Business Crossrail hole plot, City of London propaganda by Murdoch?

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